Friday, August 12, 2011

A Couple New Radio Finds Including the SRF-FM2

Got these recently at different garage sales.

Sony SRF-FM2
These are in good shape, though the ear pads are faded. I paid 50¢; I should have offered less, the owner was surprised I wanted them, "They only listen to the radio," she said. "Yes, I know, that's what I was looking for," I replied. But I knew they'd fetch $20 or more eBay. I'm delighted just to have them, I don't plan to sell. I have no idea what the "103.7" sticker is doing there, I suppose it was affixed elsewhere at one time to indicate "this received FM radio." Perhaps that is a common frequency. Strangely enough, it's the frequency of  WCCK in Erie, PA, which was my favorite rock-n-roll station as a kid. They billed themselves as K-104.

Unknown General Electric Clock Radio
The label is too faded to make out in ordinary light. Anyone recognize it? I paid 25¢.

If you're wondering what they're sitting on, it's a Magnavox Micromatic ("Made in England," so stamped on the inside), which was in my Grandma and Grandpa Cairns's house. Yes, the same grandpa that said good-bye with a bonging grandfather clock in one of my true ghost stories. The painting was in that house too, not too far from the Magnavox. The lamp (now with a new shade) was my Grandma and Grandpa Grandy's. I remember it well from their home in Fairview, PA. I have precious few things from my grandparents. I can thank brother Tom for parting with the Magnavox, for that used to be with him.

I still remember Grandpa Cairns putting on a very old wax recording on that Magnavox of him as a boy singing (IIRC) a Scottish song. His smile was as broad as sunrise; for a moment, Grandpa was elsewhere. The record was old and Grandma was concerned it would damage the needle, so they stopped playing it. I don't know where that record is now.

How many old radio shows, songs, and news stories passed through those speakers? Old radio is really time travel.

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