Monday, July 11, 2011

Free OTR Storage and Streaming

My needs were modest but specific - ability to store fairly large number of public domain longer-duration mp3's of medium quality; a host that would permit streaming; a free basic audio player. And it all needed to work with Blogger, which isn't the best blog solution, but works pretty well.

After a lot of research and some trial and error, I came up with the solution below. I'm sharing this in case anyone else is looking for something similar.
Up to 1.5Gb storage free; php scripting, FTP access, no restriction on file types, but some restrictions on direct downloads. If the average OTR show is ~15Mb (some are as small as 6Mb, some hour-long are much larger), that's ~1,500 episodes - not enough to build a library for the serious OTR fan, but enough room for me to get started and decide if I want to invest in more space, move my blog to 000, etc.)

JW Player
Configurable, skinable; plays variety of media types; viral and non-viral versions available for free; I use the non-viral version because I'd like visitors to use Blogger's built-in sharing options for now.

(You are there now)
I started with Blogger because it's owned by Google, no other reason than that. I would probably try WordPress if I were to start over, but Blogger is serviceable. Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't play nice with iFrames; I'd prefer that, but the page jumps down to the iFrame on page load; probably some js I can put in there to stop that, but that's over my head. For now, instead, I'm opening the player in a popup, which I'd prefer anyway if I was browsing and wanted to listen while I was doing other things.

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